Viimase 50 paeva leidmata statistika Ios 219 eesti 171 97 debugging 40 featur 35 whm 25 open document format 21 tabeli 21 991 20 b 20 h 18 k 18 seadmed 18 ETL 17 capativity 17 driver 17 määrama 17 616 16 its 16 landing 16 rakendus 16 3592 15 adjustment 15 butter 15 features 15 interaction 15 reboot 15 set up 15 troubleshooting 15 zip 15 2887 14 3663 14 @ 14 Operands 14 bypass 14 changeset 14 data width 14 deploy 14 deprecated 14 hinge 14 installation 14 iterator 14 media 14 metric 14 pilv 14 redo 14 skill based routing 14 turva 14 võrgukaart 14 HMI 13 ITP 13 SQL 13 Toru 13 abstraction 13 clause 13 featuur 13 interoperable 13 järjend 13 liige 13 logimine 13 scalable 13 stat 13 teenustase 13 3600 12 Wifi 12 agility 12 banner 12 bucket 12 build 12 collapsed 12 deduce 12 ecc 12 ecosystem 12 end-to-end 12 hdd 12 intrusive 12 locale 12 ok 12 pdf 12 phish 12 ping 12 release 12 rot 12 tap 12 timeout 12 viis 12 Exponentiation 11 SQL injection attac 11 api 11 app 11 backend 11 balancer 11 bežee 11 deployment 11 escaped 11 explicit 11 info primitiiv 11 jail 11 leech 11 legacy 11 lybrary 11 pivot table 11 priority queue 11 radar 11 rest 11 setup 11 system migration 11 torrent 11 unified 11 utc 11 API 10 Charset 10 adopt 10 agile 10 alpa 10 cleaning 10 collar 10 corrupt 10 cron 10 dhcp 10 framework 10 hover 10 instantiate 10 keyword 10 klaster 10 krüptima 10 kvaliteet 10 launch 10 linkimine 10 multi 10 outsource 10 piped 10 primaarradar 10 release notes 10 status 10 teek 10 visuaal 10 2855 9 29.01 9 595 9 85 9 PT use 9 ajur 9 auv 9 balance settlement 9 baner 9 beeta 9 bezee 9 ceiling 9 convolutional 9 data breach 9 embedded systems 9 flexibility 9 floor 9 grey 9 hashbang 9 hyperscale 9 injection attack 9 integration tool 9 interact 9 irrigation 9 issue 9 item 9 logic gate 9 logid 9 methodology 9 mälu pesa 9 rakenduslik 9 reload 9 route 9 routing 9 saas 9 sku 9 tavakasutaja 9 vertex 9 wild card 9 0-day 8 1245 8 532 8 Kantav sead 8 Latentsus 8 Lossless compression 8 Predictive 8 Tuumik 8 alamleht 8 andmebaasid 8 arenduskeskkond 8 blde 8 branding 8 bundled 8 chunk 8 commit 8 complementary output 8 csfr 8 cyber security 8 disable 8 enable 8 explotation 8 fuser 8 infographic 8 interpreters 8 iscsi 8 kehtiv 8 korruptsioon 8 krüpteerima 8 käsuloendur 8 käsuviip 8 modal 8 odf 8 open source 8 option 8 paginate 8 pivot 8 pixelated 8 raamistik 8 rack 8 refactor 8 settings 8 sharding 8 silumine 8 sleep 8 solution developer 8 tenant 8 tüüptekst 8 veebisait 8 väline süsteem 8 whip 8 585 7 CGI konventsioon 7 Database table 7 Default Link 7 IT 7 Life cycle management 7 SIP-aadress 7 andmeedastuskiirus 7 andmekaeve 7 andmekeskus 7 andmevoog 7 blade 7 cloud 7 command line 7 compatible 7 container 7 custom 7 data sweep 7 datagrid 7 definition term 7 forest 7 frontend 7 indexing 7 installed 7 it 7 juurdepääse 7 keystone 7 komposiit 7 käsuloendur 7 lauplaadur 7 master unit 7 mock 7 moisture 7 määr 7 nullpäeva 7 plot 7 power of concept 7 progressioon 7 property 7 ransom 7 resiliency 7 roller 7 sampl 7 scraping 7 skoop 7 slug 7 staged 7 status check 7 subnet mask 7 superscript 7 tab 7 tabeliaken 7 table view 7 tsükkel 7 905 6 An error occurred while saving the file 6 Explicit 6 M 6 Multi tenant 6 Möllima 6 U/ftp 6 VPN 6 alpha 6 callback 6 cancel 6 cart 6 clear text 6 crack 6 critical value 6 definitsioon 6 diskreet 6 distance communication 6 drag and drop 6 edm 6 ekstraheerima 6 embed 6 encrypt 6 escape 6 escaping 6 fie 6 free software 6 gem 6 implement 6 intrusion 6 kala 6 küber 6 lossy 6 malware 6 mashup 6 memoization 6 meny 6 migration 6 näitesagedus 6 outage 6 phishing 6 räsi 6 sata 6 screen scraping 6 security situation 6 snapshott 6 split 6 spyware 6 tabeli vaade 6 telco 6 thin image 6 turvavõrk 6 unbind 6 upstream 6 usb pesa 6 vihje 6 whs 6 workaround 6 õelvara 6 407 5 432 5 Change advisory board 5 Grayscale 5 IKT 5 Kompetents 5 Posterization 5 RDF 5 SaaS 5 absoluutkoordinaat\ 5 allotment 5 amm 5 andmeleke 5 artefact 5 bare 5 botnet 5 collapse 5 computing means 5 conductivity 5 connection pool 5 data primitive 5 definition ter 5 discard 5 ekstra 5 extensions 5 female 5 front desk manager 5 gone 5 greedy seach 5 guid 5 hard link 5 hastag 5 impedance 5 infection vector 5 install 5 itegrity 5 j 5 kaugtöö 5 küpsis 5 legacy tool 5 libraryu 5 liidestus 5 line-in 5 master data 5 minterm 5 navigator 5 negotiate 5 override 5 pipe 5 proxy 5 psühholoogia 5 racked 5 rajapind 5 rectified 5 remote diagnostic 5 ruuter 5 räsi 5 smart meter 5 spam 5 spuul 5 storage device 5 strng 5 suitability 5 swap 5 taakvara 5 tajur 5 teenuste portfell 5 test automation 5 test tool 5 tf 5 usb 5 user identifyer 5 valmistoode 5 verbose 5 viki 5 wake 5 web design 5 xls 5 ühenduma 5 1122 4 1900 4 2566 4 Lossless 4 NTFS 4 Properties 4 USB 4 adoption 4 arendaja 4 auto complete 4 autoriseerimine 4 barebone 4 bitilisus 4 bitraster 4 bitrate 4 bleed 4 boosting health 4 bänner 4 clocked 4 clynder 4 correcting 4 deep learning 4 dock 4 draiver 4 eshop 4 expectation 4 facing 4 federation 4 flashing 4 free softwar 4 frozen 4 fruiting 4 gci 4 grant 4 greedy 4 hard drive 4 iframe 4 implementationõ 4 intensive 4 kompressioon 4 kontroller 4 küpsis 4 primitive data 4 proksi 4 relatsiooniline 4 responce time 4 rout 4 score 4 scrape 4 scrum 4 sideliides 4 smell 4 software feature 4 ssd 4 storage medium 4 takistus 4 teenuste kataloog 4 text field 4 töölaud 4 use case 4 viisard 4 voog 4 wabbit 4 xml 4 £ 4 303 3 3141 3 907 3 Dependecies 3 ENIAC 3 ILS 3 Instagram 3 SKU 3 account name 3 back end 3 bang 3 build automation 3 credential 3 data hub 3 every icon 3 friendly name 3 front end 3 full stack 3 full stroke access time 3 hard libk 3 interaction' 3 lpto 3 message broker 3 mosaic 3 rdf 3 relative path 3 rünnak 3 sla 3 specifier 3 sql statement 3 suggestion 3 tray 3 vaegtöö 3 1516 2 2496 2 3492 2 Backend 2 ETL' 2 Frontend 2 Individuaalne 2 Individuaalne tund 2 Readback 2 Toru' 2 Viral 2 VoIP 2 accessib 2 account 2 ajalugu 2 apply 2 arhiiv 2 assert 2 chess engine 2 conteiner 2 data augmentation 2 data cube 2 embedding 2 end user 2 flood 2 g 2 guest machine 2 import mapping 2 mime type 2 momentvõte 2 monaad 2 multiplayer 2 native 2 nested 2 open document format' 2 parametr 2 preset 2 propulsion 2 rakendus' 2 runyume 2 skrollima 2 strongly typed language 2 system participation ratio 2 takes two to rumba 2 task bar 2 technical customer 2 template engine 2 test code 2 toggle 2 toorviit 2 tutor 2 unblock 2 võrguliides 2 whitelist 2 wiki 2 world coordinates 2 £ 2 computer medium 1 "bucket" 1 "redo" 1 104 1 2003 1 254 1 2776 1 338 1 342 1 3432 1 3487 1 3488 1 3499 1 3501 1 3505 1 3508 1 3533 1 3535 1 3574 1 3589 1 359 1 3626 1 3628 1 3661 1 3665 1 3709 1 3731 1 3750 1 3766 1 3768 1 3770 1 3812 1 3819 1 3821 1 3849 1 3856 1 3878 1 3882 1 3887 1 3899 1 3910 1 3932 1 3941 1 3964 1 3974 1 3975 1 398 1 4012 1 4023 1 4032 1 4040 1 4141 1 4155 1 4157 1 4162 1 427 1 476 1 495 1 591 1 608 1 663 1 682 1 683 1 704 1 915 1 98 1 Aegkriitiline 1 Arendus juht 1 Back end 1 Catherine 1 Charged Coupled Device 1 Charset' 1 Child lock 1 Collaboration 1 DCIM 1 Digitaalne piirang 1 Dimensio 1 Ester 1 Fpga 1 Full stqck 1 Hüertekst 1 IT muudatus 1 ITP' 1 Isp 1 It 1 It-projekt 1 Kantav seade 1 Konfiskeeritud 1 Kuvatõmmis 1 MDR 1 MPPS 1 MX 1 Mobiil 1 Network Bandwidth 1 P2P 1 Peale 1 Pprtaal 1 Prompt Engineering 1 Prompt engineering 1 QA engineer 1 RAN 1 SQL injection attac' 1 Status bar 1 Street Address 1 Support ticket 1 Suvandid 1 Tavaliselt 1 Teek 1 Telefon 1 Transport Layer Security 1 Voog 1 abi 1 abiliin 1 abiline 1 about 1 absoluutkoordinaat/ 1 ac 1 accelerate 1 access token 1 action button 1 adverse event 1 alamtekst 1 allalaadima 1 allsüsteem 1 andmekogu 1 api 1 api integration 1 appliance 1 arendamine 1 arendus 1 arestima 1 arestitud 1 artifact 1 asserted 1 attach 1 attribution 1 automatic meter management 1 back end 1 background task 1 backtrack 1 balance 1 bandwith 1 base vector 1 bga 1 big data 1 binarization 1 blacklisting 1 bloat 1 bold 1 bread crumb 1 broker 1 building 1 building data 1 bulk edit 1 bänner 1 c 1 canonical correlation analysis 1 changeset' 1 chipher 1 cipher 1 cloud native 1 code editor 1 code of conduct 1 code smell 1 codec 1 compression tool 1 computer network explotation 1 computerised management 1 cores 1 csfr' 1 custom date 1 data engineering 1 data format 1 data highway 1 debth 1 deduce' 1 deny 1 dependency manager 1 deprecate 1 destilleerima 1 developer lead 1 digitaalne kaksik 1 directory path 1 disabled 1 disaster recovery site 1 discriminator 1 disruptive 1 dongle 1 draiv 1 e-keskkond 1 eco 1 edge router 1 ehtne 1 embedded systems' 1 end point 1 end-poind data 1 end-point 1 ennnik 1 enter 1 enterprise 1 evaluate 1 f 1 face 1 featured 1 file path 1 follow up 1 free text 1 game engine 1 geo ip 1 geocoding 1 geolocation 1 glob 1 granulated 1 granulated control 1 ground 1 ground loop 1 haagis 1 hajus andmetöötlus 1 hardening 1 hashtag 1 help desk 1 help section 1 helper 1 high bandwith 1 highlight 1 hoomama 1 häältuvastus 1 imbalance 1 immutable 1 impuls 1 impulse response 1 infoturberisk 1 interact'A=0 1 jaotis 1 job manager 1 juht 1 juurdepääse 1 juurutamine 1 jälitamine 1 kasutajaroll 1 kaugtöö 1 keerukas 1 kick off 1 klaviatuur 1 kodek 1 konto 1 koodek 1 krüpteerima 1 krüpto 1 kuju 1 kuupäeva valija 1 küber 1 käitlemine 1 kõvendama 1 küberkaitse 1 küberpööre 1 l 1 lahendus 1 laps 1 lead 1 liida 1 link rot 1 literaal 1 loobu 1 loogline andmemudel 1 low temperature 1 m 1 maaväli 1 maintaining 1 majandusanalüüs 1 malfunction 1 mall mootor 1 managed detect and response 1 marsruutimine 1 mass action 1 message queue 1 modaal 1 modulus operator 1 monitoring 1 mountpoint 1 muudatus 1 mux 1 mürsk 1 nao 1 nivoo 1 npn 1 näita 1 ocsp 1 offcut 1 omamine 1 online environment 1 online service 1 online teenus 1 optimizer 1 orphan row 1 osad 1 ospf 1 otspunkt 1 parent cause 1 parsimine 1 parsing 1 paywall 1 peilima 1 persistent volume 1 pgdump 1 pindmine 1 pixel architecture 1 placeholder 1 platvorm 1 point to point 1 popup 1 predictive 1 predictive systems 1 primary radar 1 primitive data' 1 printida 1 probalistic 1 program counter 1 progress bar 1 project engineer 1 prompt language 1 provision 1 pull request 1 qr 1 qr code 1 radio 1 radio button 1 rahutu 1 rakenduslik lõputöö 1 read only 1 read-only mode 1 recents 1 record terminator 1 redan 1 redirect 1 regulatory domain 1 reiv 1 request body 1 responsiivne 1 reuqest 1 reward 1 reward 1 reward systems 1 right hand 1 robustness 1 rünnw 1 sampling rate 1 scalability 1 scrollima 1 scrum master 1 seadme seaded 1 sense node 1 serial protocol 1 server image 1 service continuity 1 service manager 1 session border controller 1 set up' 1 shallow 1 show 1 side sheet 1 sidemap 1 siirde 1 sisselogimine 1 sitemap 1 slow 1 smart metering 1 smd 1 snipping 1 sobitama 1 software defined network 1 solid state disk 1 sound card 1 spekter 1 spoofing 1 staatus 1 stakeholder 1 stand up 1 standard deviation 1 star menu 1 start menu 1 stat' 1 stitch 1 stitching 1 story 1 substring 1 sweep 1 system integrator 1 sõelumine 1 sõnumiedastus 1 sügavus 1 sünteesitud andmed 1 süsteemiliides 1 süsteemiteema 1 süsteemivärv 1 table heading 1 tagline 1 tajusõlm 1 tarkvara arendaja 1 teatmik 1 technical debt 1 teegid 1 teenustase' 1 tehniline võlg 1 tekst kõneks 1 term extractor 1 terminator 1 terviku osad 1 tevik 1 text box 1 thick image 1 tick 1 ticket granting ticket 1 tier 1 time series 1 timeline 1 to save 1 toodang 1 tooken 1 tools 1 traffic source 1 tree partition 1 treiler 1 töö 1 tühista 1 tühistada 1 uma 1 unit testing 1 usb pesa' 1 used for distance communication 1 value capture 1 variance 1 varundamine 1 veebiaadress 1 veebilink 1 vertical slice 1 vire 1 võõrandamine 1 web network 1 web technologies 1 wiper 1 worker node 1 zoomima 1 Äri 1 õlg 1 ühtlusta 1 üksus 1 ülem alluv 1 • Network Bandwidth 1