no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 80) ff name: LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: ff | |
mnemonic name(s): <ff> | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0066 0066 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 81) fi name: LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: fi | |
mnemonic name(s): <fi> | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0066 0069 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: ROMAN (DE); | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 82) fl name: LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: fl | |
mnemonic name(s): <fl> | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0066 006C | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: ROMAN (DF); | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 83) ffi name: LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFI | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: ffi | |
mnemonic name(s): <ffi> | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0066 0066 0069 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 84) ffl name: LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFL | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: ffl | |
mnemonic name(s): <ffl> | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0066 0066 006C | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 85) ſt name: LATIN SMALL LIGATURE LONG S T | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): <St> | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 017F 0074 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 86) st name: LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): <st> | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0073 0074 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 93) ﬓ name: ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN NOW | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0574 0576 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 94) ﬔ name: ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN ECH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0574 0565 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 95) ﬕ name: ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN INI | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0574 056B | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 96) ﬖ name: ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE VEW NOW | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 057E 0576 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 97) ﬗ name: ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN XEH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 0574 056D | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 9d) יִ name: HEBREW LETTER YOD WITH HIRIQ | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D9 05B4 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 9e) ﬞ name: HEBREW POINT JUDEO-SPANISH VARIKA | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Mn (Mark, Non-Spacing) | |
combining: 26 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, 9f) ײַ name: HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH YOD YOD PATAH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: afii57705 | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05F2 05B7 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a0) ﬠ name: HEBREW LETTER ALTERNATIVE AYIN | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05E2 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a1) ﬡ name: HEBREW LETTER WIDE ALEF | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05D0 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a2) ﬢ name: HEBREW LETTER WIDE DALET | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05D3 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a3) ﬣ name: HEBREW LETTER WIDE HE | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05D4 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a4) ﬤ name: HEBREW LETTER WIDE KAF | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05DB | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a5) ﬥ name: HEBREW LETTER WIDE LAMED | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05DC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a6) ﬦ name: HEBREW LETTER WIDE FINAL MEM | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05DD | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a7) ﬧ name: HEBREW LETTER WIDE RESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05E8 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a8) ﬨ name: HEBREW LETTER WIDE TAV | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 05EA | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, a9) ﬩ name: HEBREW LETTER ALTERNATIVE PLUS SIGN | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Sm (Symbol, Math) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <font> 002B | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, aa) שׁ name: HEBREW LETTER SHIN WITH SHIN DOT | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: afii57694 | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E9 05C1 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, ab) שׂ name: HEBREW LETTER SHIN WITH SIN DOT | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: afii57695 | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E9 05C2 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, ac) שּׁ name: HEBREW LETTER SHIN WITH DAGESH AND SHIN DOT | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: FB49 05C1 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, ad) שּׂ name: HEBREW LETTER SHIN WITH DAGESH AND SIN DOT | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: FB49 05C2 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, ae) אַ name: HEBREW LETTER ALEF WITH PATAH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D0 05B7 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, af) אָ name: HEBREW LETTER ALEF WITH QAMATS | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D0 05B8 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b0) אּ name: HEBREW LETTER ALEF WITH MAPIQ | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D0 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b1) בּ name: HEBREW LETTER BET WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D1 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b2) גּ name: HEBREW LETTER GIMEL WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D2 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b3) דּ name: HEBREW LETTER DALET WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D3 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b4) הּ name: HEBREW LETTER HE WITH MAPIQ | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D4 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b5) וּ name: HEBREW LETTER VAV WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: afii57723 | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D5 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b6) זּ name: HEBREW LETTER ZAYIN WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D6 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b8) טּ name: HEBREW LETTER TET WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D8 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, b9) יּ name: HEBREW LETTER YOD WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D9 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, ba) ךּ name: HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAF WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05DA 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, bb) כּ name: HEBREW LETTER KAF WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05DB 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, bc) לּ name: HEBREW LETTER LAMED WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05DC 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ac, be) מּ name: HEBREW LETTER MEM WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05DE 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 80) נּ name: HEBREW LETTER NUN WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E0 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 81) סּ name: HEBREW LETTER SAMEKH WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E1 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 83) ףּ name: HEBREW LETTER FINAL PE WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E3 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 84) פּ name: HEBREW LETTER PE WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E4 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 86) צּ name: HEBREW LETTER TSADI WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E6 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 87) קּ name: HEBREW LETTER QOF WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E7 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 88) רּ name: HEBREW LETTER RESH WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E8 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 89) שּ name: HEBREW LETTER SHIN WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E9 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 8a) תּ name: HEBREW LETTER TAV WITH DAGESH | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05EA 05BC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 8b) וֹ name: HEBREW LETTER VAV WITH HOLAM | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: afii57700 | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D5 05B9 | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 8c) בֿ name: HEBREW LETTER BET WITH RAFE | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05D1 05BF | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 8d) כֿ name: HEBREW LETTER KAF WITH RAFE | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05DB 05BF | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 8e) פֿ name: HEBREW LETTER PE WITH RAFE | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: 05E4 05BF | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |
no image or image missing UTF-8 (ef, ad, 8f) ﭏ name: HEBREW LIGATURE ALEF LAMED | |
old name: | |
Adobe glyph name: | |
mnemonic name(s): | |
HTML 4 mnemonic name: | |
category: Lo (Letter, Other) | |
combining: 0 | |
decomposition info: <compat> 05D0 05DC | |
comment: | |
found in charsets: | |
found in languages: | |
used in romanization of: |