Working Group on Romanization Systems

Resolutions page

Resolution III/10 (1977)

Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet

The Conference,

Considering that resolution 5 of the Second United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names is no longer appropriate,

Recommends that it be replaced as follows:

"The Conference,

"Noting that in 1972 Bulgaria adopted the System of Transliteration and Transcription of Bulgarian Geographical Names into Roman Letters, produced by the Council of Orthography and Transcription of Geographical Names, Sofia, which has been in use since that time,

"Considering that a great number of Bulgarian geographical names have been transliterated in accordance with that system,

"Recognizing also that for the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet only one single standardized system meets the requirements of the international standardization of geographical names,

"Recommends that the System of Transliteration and Transcription of Bulgarian Geographical Names into Roman letters, as shown in the annex below, be adopted as the international system for the romanization of Bulgarian geographical names."


1.А аA a 11.К кK k 21.Ф фF f
2.Б бB b 12.Л лL l 22.Х хH h
3.В вV v 13.М мM m 23.Ц цC c
4.Г гG g 14.Н нN n 24.Ч чČ č
5.Д дD d 15.О оO o 25.Ш шŠ š
6.Е еE e 16.П пP p 26.Щ щŠt št
7.Ж жŽ ž 17.Р рR r 27.Ъ ъǍ ǎ
8.З зZ z 18.С сS s 28.Ь ьJ j
9.И иI i 19.Т тT t 29.Ю юJu ju
10.Й йJ j 20.У уU u 30.Я яJa ja

Note. This resolution is superseded by res. X/7.