Leitud 1 artikkel
‣ Kahend-kümnendesitus, milles iga kümnendnumbrit esitab viiest bitist koosnev kahendnumeraal, mille kaks bitti on üht liiki (tavaliselt ühed), kolm bitti aga teist liiki (tavaliselt nullid).
▫Kaalud on harilikult 6-3-2-1-0, välja arvatud nulli esituses, mille kuju on 00110.
EVS-ISO 2382-5:1999 (kehtiv)
two-out-of-five code
‣ A binary-coded decimal notation in which each decimal digit is represented by a binary numeral consisting of five bits out of which two are of one kind, conventionally ones, and three are of the other kind, conventionally zeros.
▫The usual weights are 6-3-2-1-0 except for the representation of zero which is then 00110.
EVS-ISO 2382-5:1999 (kehtiv)
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