Leitud 1 artikkel
Karnaugh' diagramm
‣ Loogikafunktsiooni ristkülikdiagramm, kus muutujad kujutatakse ülekattuvate alamristkülikutega, nii et iga ülekattuvate ristkülikute lõikeala esitab üht loogikamuutujate ühest kombinatsiooni ja nii et iga kombinatsiooni kohta esitatakse üks selline lõikeala.
EVS-ISO 2382-2:1999 (kehtiv)
Karnaugh map
‣ A rectangular diagram of a logic function of variables drawn with overlapping sub-rectangles such that each intersection of overlapping rectangles represents a unique combination of the logic variables and such that an intersection is shown for all combinations.
Operation numberComplementary operationResult for:EntryMeaningExamples for representationEntry number
P = 0P = 1Symbolic representationRepresentation using Venn diagram
0300zero constantzero constant0-
2110negationnot P-02.05.17
3011one constantone constant1-
▫The variable P is represented by the circle. The defined set is represented by the shaded areas.
Operation numberComplementary operationResult for:EntryMeaningExamples for representationEntry number
P = 0 P = 0 P = 1 p = 1Symbolic representationRepresentation using Venn diagram
0150 0 0 0zero constantzero constant0-
1140 0 0 1conjunctionP and Q02.05.11
2130 0 1 0exclusionP excluding Q?02.05.15
3120 0 1 1(first) variableP-
4110 1 0 0exclusionQ excluding P?02.05.15
5100 1 0 1(second) variableQ-
690 1 1 0non-equivalenceeither P or Q02.05.10
780 1 1 1disjunctionP or Q02.05.13
871 0 0 0non-disjunctioneither P nor Q02.05.14
961 0 0 1equivalence operationP equivalent to Q02.05.09
1051 0 1 0negation of second variablenot Q--
1141 0 1 1implicationQ implies P?02.05.16
1231 1 0 0negation of first variablenot P-
1321 1 0 1implicationP implies Q?02.05.16
1411 1 1 0non-conjunctionnot both P and Q02.05.12
1501 1 1 1one constantone constant1-
▫The variable P and Q are represented respectively by the left circles and by the right circles this table. The defined set is represented by the shaded areas.
EVS-ISO 2382-2:1999 (kehtiv)
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