Leitud 1 artikkel
‣ Takistama objekti või ta osa esitust pildil, mingi segava objekti tõttu.
▫ teist akent kattev graafikaaken ekraanil; kuubi esipind varjab tagapinna; stseenis võib objekt varjata ta taga asuvaid objekte.
EVS 2382-30:2003 (kehtiv)
to occlude
‣ To prevent the appearance of all or part of an object (30.01.07 A) in an image (30.01.08) due to the presence of an interfering object.
▫ A graphic window that overlaps another on a screen. The front surface of a cube occludes the back surface. An object in a scene (30.01.18) may occlude objects behind it.
EVS 2382-30:2003 (kehtiv)
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