Labels of the Place Names Database (KNAB)
The following types of labels exist:
- Language of the name. Estonian-language names are without language labels (within the place name records concerning Estonia), others will contain language codes on the basis of ISO 639 (e.g. de = German, en = English, et = Estonian, fi = Finnish, la = Latin, lv = Latvian, pl = Polish, ru = Russian, sv = Swedish (svEE = Estonian Swedish)). KNAB will use 2-letter ISO codes if available and then the 3-letter (terminological) codes available for other languages. For a full list of language codes see the appropriate table.
- Status or style labels. These are abbreviated, in capital letters; the following are used most frequently:
- ADD = addition (in parallel occurring in a source, might be another feature)
- ARTIF = artificial name, descriptive name or term (often used in listings for unnamed features; not "proper" place names)
- BIBL = Biblic name usage
- COLLOQ = colloquial
- CONF = erroneously (confusing name usage: not in a correct place, etc.)
- ERR = erroneous name form (with a typing mistake, etc.)
- EST CONV = foreign-language exonym in Estonian texts
- EST TR = name in Estonian transcription; is used only within Estonian-language texts
- HIST = used only in historic contexts
- IRON = ironical name usage
- LESS USED = less used or recommended name spelling; instead, the endonym (local official name) is more used or preferred
- LOC = colloquial name, name in local usage
- M-A = name form documented in Middle Age sources (language not always clear)
- OBJ = objectionable, deprecated, undesirable spelling
- OFF = official(ly)
- OBS = obsolete
- OLD SPELLING = older orthography (used in Estonian until the 1870's, possibly many later sources also give the names in the older orthography)
- PAR = parallel name
- PROP = name proposal (not officially confirmed)
- QUEST = questionable if the name of the same feature (used if the association to present names is not certain)
- ROM = romanization of names in a system that is used within KNAB in order to accurately reflect the original non-Roman spelling; this label is used in opposition to the label EST TR (cf.); these romanization systems are, as a rule, not international systems of romanization
- SUPP = supposed name form (no sources used)
- TR = transcription of a non-Roman name, adapted to specific languages: ENGL TR (English transcription), FR TR (French), LOC TR (locally used), ALT TR (alternative transcription); see also EST TR
- TRANSL = translation (name form is translated, authentic usage is uncertain)
- UNCL = unclear name spelling (difficult to read from a map, etc.; reading mistakes are possible)
- UNOFF = unofficial(ly)
- WITH ART = used with an article (in a given language)
- WITHOUT DIACR = spelling without diacritical marks (i.e. the full and accurate spelling is not known)
- WITHOUT TONES = spelling without diacritical signs for tones, i.e. the full spelling (of e.g. Vietnamese names) is not known