Seventh United Nations Conference on the Standardization of
Geographical Names
New York, 13 - 22 January 1998
Original: ENGLISH
- Opening of the Conference
- Election of the President of the Conference
- Organizational matters:
- (a) Adoption of the rules of procedure;
- (b) Adoption of the agenda;
- (c) Election of officers other than the President;
- (d) Organization of work;
- (e) Credentials of representatives to the Conference.
- Reports by divisions and Governments on the situation in their
regions and countries and on the progress made in the standardization of
geographical names since the Sixth Conference.
- National standardization:
- (a) Field collection of names;
- (b) Office treatment of names;
- (c) Treatment of names in multilingual areas;
- (d) Administrative structure of national names authorities;
- (e) Toponymic guidelines for map and other editors.
- Toponymic data files:
- (a) Data collection procedures;
- (b) Data elements required;
- (c) Toponymic data transfer standards and formats;
- (d) Automated data-processing (ADP) systems;
- (e) Compatibility and structure of systems;
- (f) National gazetteers;
- (g) Other publications.
- Terminology in the standardization of geographical names.
- Measures taken and proposed to implement United Nations resolutions
on the standardization of geographical names.
- Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the First Conference on the
Standardization of Geographical Names.
- Exonyms:
- (a) Categories and degree of use of exonyms;
- (b) Principles in reducing the use of exonyms;
- (c) Provisional lists of exonyms.
- Features beyond a single sovereignty:
- (a) Policies, procedure and cooperative arrangements;
- (b) Features common to two or more nations;
- Writing systems and guides to pronunciation:
- (a) Romanization;
- (b) Conversion into non-Roman writing systems;
- (c) Writing of names in unwritten languages.
- Toponymic websites
- Toponymic education and practice:
- (a) Existing education and practice;
- (b) Training courses in toponymy;
- (c) Exchange of advice and information;
- (d) Exchange of personnel;
- (e) Technical assistance.
- Cooperation with national and international agencies and other bodies:
- (a) Cooperation with national agencies;
- (b) Cooperation with international organizations;
- (c) Cooperation with public information media.
- Country Names.
- Meetings and conferences:
- (a) United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names;
- (b) Divisional and interdivisional meetings and programmes;
- (c) National names meetings, conferences and symposia;
- (d) International names meetings, conferences and symposia.
- Economic and social benefits of the national and international
standardization of geographical names.
- Arrangements for the Eighth Conference.
- Adoption of Resolutions and the report of the Conference.
- Closing of the Conference.
Source: CPCGN and UNGEGN Newsletter No. 20 (Oct. 1997). The agenda was approved by the Conference on 13 January 1998.
Estonian translation