[BSS] Baltisaksa sõnastik

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Kibitka die
‣ Varianten: Kibitke
{russ. кибитка 'gedeckter Wagen, gedeckter Reiseschlitten' Kobolt 1990, 144}
‣ Belege: Estland, Livland, Kurland, Riga
'leichter Wagen'; 'Schlitten mit Verdeck' de halbverdeckter Schlitten; et kibitka, korupiga regi
vgl Wasok


Bergmann 1785, 35
Kibitka ein russischer Reisewagen.

Hupel 1795a, 108
Kibitka (Russ.) ist ein leichter, oben halb bedeckter, auf den Schwungbäumen ruhender Reisewagen.

Petri 1809, 325
Das gewöhnliche [Fuhrwerk], welches man Kibitka nennt, ist leicht, ohne alles Eisenwerk und zur Hälfte mit einer sauber geflochtenen Korbdecke, oder mit Matten, Wachstuch oder grober Leinwand versehen.

Lister Venables 1839, 230f.
A close carriage placed on runners instead of wheels, is called a Vasok; it is a very convenient vehicle for town use, and it is preferred by many people for winter travelling on account of its warmth; a vasok adapted for this purpose has no springs. It is not, however, consideres so safe when the roads are bad, and the snow worn into holes, as the ordinary winter vehicle calles a Kibitka; these are of various kinds, according to the taste or means of the owner; the best sort being a species of caliche, warmly fitted up, and placed on runners. The kibitka is closed with leather curtains instead of glass, and on each side near the ground projects a strong wooden elbow, so that the vehicle cannot easily be upset; the elbow being a necessary appendage for this purpose to all sledges intended for country use. The kibitka has shafts, and is driven troika, that is, with three horses abreast; the traveller inside is able either to sit up or to lie down, stretching himself out as if he were in bed, the vehicle being built long for this purpose. The price of a first-rate kibitka is from twenty to five-and-twenty pounds.

Hueck-Dehio 1959, 27
Kibitka russischer geschlossener Schlitten

Nottbeck 1987, 42
Kibitka (rus.) - halbgeschlossener Schlitten / E.K.L.R. Die Kibitka war uns nur noch dem Namen nach bekannt.

Kobolt 1990, 144
Kibitka, Kibitke (mit betonter Vorsilbe) f leichter Wagen, Schlitten mit Verdeck
russ. kibitka gedeckter Wagen, gedeckter Reiseschlitten; nhd. Kibitka, Kibitke leichter federloser russ. Bretterwagen, russ. Schlitten mit Mattendach.

QUELLEN (Informanten)
Vietinghoff-Scheel, Robert von: Groß-Jungfernhof Kreis Riga
die Kibitka (baltisch)- halbverdeckter Schlitten (hochdeutsch). Entkommen dem Russischen.

Kibitka 'russischer Reisewagen' Riga, Mitau, Dorpat, Gut Richholz (Kr. Wiek), Pernau, Libau

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