Leitud 1 artikkel
kolmanda põlve keel
3GL-keel (synonym)
‣ Kõrgkeel, milles on iga ta lihtlause kohta suur arv masinakäske ning mis tõstab programmeerija abstraktsioonitaseme selliseks, et ta saab konkreetse arvuti talitluse põhjaliku tundmise asemel keskenduda lahendatavale probleemile.
▫ Ada, BASIC, Fortran, Modula-2, Pascal.
EVS-ISO/IEC 2382-7:2002 (kehtiv)
third-generation language
3GL (synonym)
‣ A high-level language that has a high ratio of machine instructions to each of its simple statements and that raises the programmer's level of abstraction to focusing attention on the problem to be solved instead of on an intimate knowledge about how a particular computer works.
▫ Ada, BASIC, Fortran, Modula-2, Pascal.
EVS-ISO/IEC 2382-7:2002 (kehtiv)
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