Leitud 1 artikkel
normaliseerima (ujukomasüsteemis)
‣ Ujukomaesituse * püsikomaosa muutma nii, et ta asuks mingis etteantud vahemikus, muutes ühtlasi vastavalt ka eksponenti nii, et esitatav reaalarv ei muutuks.
▫ püsikomaosa viimiseks vahemikku 1 kuni 9,99... saab ujukomaesituse 123,45 x 102 normaliseerida kujule 1,2345 x 104 .
EVS-ISO 2382-2:1999 (kehtiv)
to normalize
to standardize (synonym)
‣ To make an adjustment to the fixed-point part and the corresponding adjustment to the exponent in a floating-point representation to ensure that the fixed-point part lies within some prescribed range, the real number represented remaining unchanged.
▫ In order to bring the fixed-point part into the range 1 to 9,99 ... the floating-point representation 123.45 x 102 may be normalized to 1.2345 x 104 .
EVS-ISO 2382-2:1999 (kehtiv)
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