Leitud 1 artikkel
pidevfaasiga sagedusmanipulatsioon
‣ Sagedusmanipulatsioon, mille puhul siire ettemääratud sageduste vahel sooritatakse sageduse sellise muutmisega, et siire ei tekita faasinihet.
▫Pidevfaasiga sagedusmanipulatsiooni vastand on sageduste järsk vahetamine näiteks kommutaatoriga.
EVS-ISO/IEC 2382-9:1998 (kehtiv)
phase-continuous frequency shift keying
phase-continuous FSK (synonym)
‣ Frequency shift keying in which the transition between the predetermined frequencies is accomplished by a change of frequency, in such a way that there is no phase shift at the transition.
▫Phase-continuous frequency shift keying may be contrasted with the discontinuous replacement of one frequency by another, such as might be accomplished by a switch.
EVS-ISO/IEC 2382-9:1998 (kehtiv)
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