Standard abbreviations are used always with the principal name form, with variant names other abbreviations might be encountered that are used in a given source. For a more complete list of Estonian generic terms and other words occurring in place names see Toponymic Guidelines for Map and Other Editors - Estonia.
In this form you can use only basic Latin or Cyrillic (Russian) characters. Do not use any accented characters, i.e. characters with dots and other diacritical marks. To find names like Põlva write Polva (also, POLVA or polva). The place name query is not case-sensitive, all others are.
For other instructions on place names spellings see a separate page. Help is available on other data elements when you click on a question mark in front of these elements.
To query names written in Cyrillic, you can also use the Russian query page. To make your query sensitive to Estonian accented characters (õ, ä, ö, ü, š, ž), use the Estonian page.